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Bielinski, N., Chari, R., May-Mann, J., Kim, S., Zwettler, J., Deng, Y., Aishwarya, A., Roychowdhury, S., Shekhar, C., Hashimoto, M., Lu, D., Yan, J., Felser, C., Madhavan, V., Shen, Z. X., Hughes, T. L., & Mahmood, F. (Accepted/In press). Floquet–Bloch manipulation of the Dirac gap in a topological antiferromagnet. Nature Physics, Article 13940.

Chen, T., Huang, C., Velkovsky, I., Ozawa, T., Price, H., Covey, J. P., & Gadway, B. (2025). Interaction-driven breakdown of Aharonov–Bohm caging in flat-band Rydberg lattices. Nature Physics, 21(2), 221–227. Article 8944.

Gao, L., Junge, M., Laracuente, N., & Li, H. (2025). Complete positivity order and relative entropy decay. Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 13, Article e31.

Goswami, S., Jensen, S., Yang, Y., Holzmann, M., Pierleoni, C., & Ceperley, D. M. (2025). High temperature melting of dense molecular hydrogen from machine-learning interatomic potentials trained on quantum Monte Carlo. Journal of Chemical Physics, 162(5), Article 054118.

Hegde, S., Durden, D. J., Ajayakumar, L. P., Sivakumar, R., & Backlund, M. P. (2025). Quantum sensing in the fractional Fourier domain. Physical Review Applied, 23(2), Article 024035.

Jawale, R., & Khurana, D. (2025). Unclonable Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge. In K.-M. Chung, & Y. Sasaki (Eds.), Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2024 - 30th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Proceedings (pp. 94-128). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 15492 LNCS). Springer.

Kapoor, K., Hoseini, S., Choi, J., Nussbaum, B. E., Zhang, Y., Shetty, K., Skaar, C., Ward, M., Wilson, L., Shinbrough, K., Edwards, E., Wiltfong, R., Lualdi, C. P., Cohen, O., Kwiat, P. G., & Lorenz, V. O. (2025). Public quantum network: The first node. Applied Physics Letters, 126(5), Article 054002.

Kim, B., Kim, M., Li, B. D., Hool, R. D., & Lee, M. L. (2025). Cryogenic GaAs laser power converters. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 281, Article 113321.

Li, C., Kanj, A., Jing, J., Bahl, G., & Tawfick, S. (2025). Pivot bearings for efficient torsional magneto-mechanical resonators. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 226, Article 112306.

O’Brien, M. C., & Fradkin, E. (2025). Interplay of quantum and thermal fluctuations in two-dimensional randomly pinned charge density waves. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2025(1), Article 013105.


Agrawal, S., Paladugu, S. N. M., & Gadway, B. (2024). Two-Dimensional Momentum State Lattices. PRX Quantum, 5(1), Article 010310.

Aishwarya, A., May-Mann, J., Almoalem, A., Ran, S., Saha, S. R., Paglione, J., Butch, N. P., Fradkin, E., & Madhavan, V. (2024). Melting of the charge density wave by generation of pairs of topological defects in UTe2. Nature Physics, 20(6), 964-969.

Akers, C., Faulkner, T., Lin, S., & Rath, P. (2024). Entanglement of purification in random tensor networks. Physical Review D, 109(10), Article L101902.

Akin, J., Zhao, Y., Haque, A. K. M. N., & Fang, K. (2024). Perspectives on epitaxial InGaP for quantum and nonlinear optics. Applied Physics Letters, 125(26), Article 260501.

Albiac, F., Ansorena, J. L., Blasco, Ó., Chu, H. V., & Oikhberg, T. (2024). Counterexamples in isometric theory of symmetric and greedy bases. Journal of Approximation Theory, 297, Article 105970.

Alcorn, F. M., Giri, S. K., Chattoraj, M., Nixon, R., Schatz, G. C., & Jain, P. K. (2024). Switching of electrochemical selectivity due to plasmonic field-induced dissociation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121(41), Article e2404433121.

Ali Ahmad, S., Chemissany, W., Klinger, M. S., & Leigh, R. G. (2024). Quantum reference frames from top-down crossed products. Physical Review D, 110(6), Article 065003.

Arnold, N. T., Lualdi, C. P., Goggin, M. E., & Kwiat, P. G. (2024). All-optical quantum memory. In P. R. Hemmer, & A. L. Migdall (Eds.), Quantum Computing, Communication, and Simulation IV Article 129111C (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; Vol. 12911). SPIE.


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