Patrick Snyder
Patrick Snyder
Research Program Manager
266 Engineering Sciences Building
1101 W. Springfield Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801
phone: (217) 300-9957
Patrick Snyder is a Research Program Manager for the Illinois Quantum Institute of Science and Technology (IQUIST) Center of the Grainger College of Engineering at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Since November 2021, Dr. Snyder has managed research and operational objectives for the NSF QLCI-HQAN (Quantum Leap Challenge Institute for Hybrid Quantum Architectures and Networks) and for DOE EFRC-QSQM ( Engineering Frontier Research Center on Quantum Sensing Quantum Materials). Patrick works to manage research operations, communications, and internal and external (industry and federal) stakeholders of IQUIST, HQAN, and QSQM. With a focus on quantum educational program development, Patrick works with leadership to ensure that all stakeholder requirements and business operations are maintained while also seeking to grow the quantum ecosystem and testbed at Illinois. Dr. Snyder has worked with IQUIST and HQAN staff and with internal and external stakeholders to help oversee the following programs: Illinois Quantum Applications Program (IQAP), IBM/Illinois Quantum Undergraduate Research Scholars (IIQURS), Open Quantum Initiative (OQI), HQAN Internship Program
Snyder earned a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from North Carolina State University in 2018. His research focused on exploring the electronic and chemical properties of group III-V nitride semiconductors and how they may be used to influence neurotypic cells. He earned a B.S. degree in Materials Science and Engineering (Biomaterials concentration) from UIUC in 2015, and a B.S. degree in Engineering Physics from Eastern Illinois University in 2013.
Dr. Snyder worked down the hall from MRL at the Department of Physics from 2019-2022. As the Coordinator of Undergraduate Recruiting Research and Placement, Patrick worked at all levels of the college recruiting pipeline to recruit a talented and diverse undergraduate class in the undergraduate Physics programs. He was also the coordinator, research advisor, and Co-PI of the Illinois Physics REU Program from 2019-22. Patrick also managed various educational and outreach programs like Saturday Physics for Everyone (SPE), Art-science festival: The Illuminated Universe organizer and emcee for the Art of Life, Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP) National Organizing Committee 2020-2022. Snyder’s hobbies include reading and listening to all types of books, audiobooks, and scientific and finance podcasts.
Snyder’s current research focuses on classical and quantum biosensing, specifically understanding how future quantum sensors might sense the nanoscale material properties of chemical and biological systems. He has several openings for for undergraduates interested in exploring the structure of plant cell walls (cellulose, lignin, and enzymes) using spectroscopy. Please email him with a CV and a short message on your interests.
- Research
- Education
- Research
- Outreach