Dakshita Khurana

Dakshita Khurana

Dakshita Khurana

Computer Science Department

Assistant Professor
Science Advisory Board Member

4308 Siebel Center for Computer Science
201 N. Goodwin Ave. M/C 258
Urbana, IL 61801-2302

phone: (217) 244-0658
e-mail: dakshita@illinois.edu

Dakshita Khurana Research Group

Dakshita Khurana CV

Dr. Khurana's research has focused on designing protocols for secure quantum multi-party computation. These enable a collection of mutually distrustful quantum parties to compute a circuit on their joint inputs while only revealing outputs and hiding all other private information from each other.  Dr. Khurana's research so far in this area has led to the three publications listed above, where the first one demonstrates the feasibility of multi-party classical computation with security against quantum adversaries, and the second one aims to understand the amount of back-and-forth interaction required for secure quantum computation. The most recent one (invited as a plenary talk at QIP 2021) shows (somewhat surprisingly) that when one allows quantum communication, secure computation follows from much weaker cryptographic hardness assumptions than the ones that are required in the classical regime. 
