Amanda Young

Amanda Young

Amanda Young

Math Department

Assistant Professor

361 Altgeld Hall
1409 W. Green St.
Urbana, IL 61801


Professor Young's research interests lie in the classification of gapped ground state phases of quantum matter, and specifically questions related to spectral and dynamical properties of quantum lattice models. One component of my research program aims to develop methods for proving the existence of a nonvanishing gap above the ground state energy for quantum lattice models. Most often, this is achieved by considering the spectral gap question for specific models conjectured to be typical of certain quantum phases, such as models for the fractional quantum Hall effect. A second pillar of my research is investigating stable properties of gapped quantum lattice models, which commonly requires the use of quasi-locality estimates, such as Lieb-Robinson bounds.

Research Expertise:

  • Classification of gapped ground state phases, including topological phases 
  • Stable properties of quantum phases 
  • Quasi-locality estimates for quantum lattice models.